Donald Trump

With an Enemy Like Trump, Climate Activists Should Look Beyond the Paris Accord
Just one term with a President Trump could cause up to 6 billion additional tons of CO2 to be emitted into the atmosphere.

Dystopian Donald: The Future According to Trump
Can you doubt that we're in a dystopian age?

Without Historical Perspective, We Are Dangerously Adrift
Historical ignorance is creating a citizenry of people unable to comprehend the consequences of their actions.

Ode to the Death Tax
The often ignored and misrepresented estate tax faces abolition posing a threat to democracy.

Goldman Sachs’ Stock and Political Influence Are Both on the Rise
Trump's appointments of notable bankers, businessmen and billionaires lent credence to the hopeful thinking coming from the corporate US.

A Few Surprises From the Electoral College
It's confirmed: Donald Trump is going to be the 45th President of the United States.

By Making Palestinian Villages Invisible, Google and Apple Maps Facilitate Their Demolition
Omission of long-standing Palestinian villages from maps gives Israel the power to expand its illegal settlements.

The Inevitable Rise of Trumplandia: Market Ideology Ate Our Democracy
Our newly minted Trumplandia isn't new. It's the logical outcome of who we have always been.

Bill Ayers on Being a White Ally and the Future of Progressives
Should progressive whites forgo organizing among people of color and focus on organizing whites against racism?

Standing for Justice as We Hurtle Toward the Abyss
“I hope the stance for peace and justice will raise discussions and help enlighten our collective future. ”