Donald Trump

The Growing Case for Impeaching Donald Trump, From Lawlessness and Corruption to Abuse of Power
On Thursday, another Democrat endorsed articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.

Republicans Agree on Tax Bill “of, by and for the Political Donor Class” With Tax Cuts for the Rich
Republicans in Congress have reached a deal on tax legislation that will overhaul the US tax code.

Trump’s Regulators: Eager Servants of Oil and Gas, at Our Expense
Does Donald Trump have something against clean air?

Trump’s First Year Sets Record for US Special Ops, Deploying to 149 Countries
US Special Operations forces were deployed to 149 countries around the world in 2017.

Trump’s FCC Has Spent the Year Waging War on Democracy and the Press
Like Trump, his FCC shows deep contempt for a free press.

William Rivers Pitt | Stars Fell on Alabama: The Beautiful Defeat of Roy Moore
If it can happen there, it can happen anywhere.

Meet the Miss USA Contestant Accusing Trump of Sexual Misconduct as Senators Call for Him to Resign
Five senators are now calling on President Trump to resign.

Trump Takes a Stand on Corruption — by Withdrawing the US From Anti-Corruption Pact
Trump's hasty decision to pull out sends an unmistakable signal.

The Republican Tax Bill Is a Poison Pill That Kills the New Deal
Today's Republicans would have fit right in to Herbert Hoover's administration.

As Mueller Closes in on Trump, the Right Pushes Back: Will He Be Fired?
With Trump in trouble, his allies argue that the entire Mueller investigation is a grand conspiracy.