Donald Trump

Trump Embodies the Crisis of Capitalism: A Conversation With Naomi Klein
US media and politics have been thoroughly commodified.

GOPspeak: Fighting the Anti-Trump Bias One Word at a Time
For the Trump team, reality has to be suppressed at all costs.

Death and Taxes

Journalist Alexei Wood and First J20 Defendants Found “Not Guilty” as 188 Still Face Trial
The first trial of people arrested at Inauguration Day protests ended Thursday.

“Slave Ship Conditions” for Somalis as Deportation Flight Sheds Light on Horrific Practices Under Trump
Somali nationals were held in “slave ship conditions” for nearly 48 hours during a deportation.

What Is Fascism? An Excerpt From “Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It”
Shane Burley discusses what exactly fascism is beyond the hype and misinformation.

Year in Review

Empire Files: A Massacre of Farmers in US-Colombia “War on Drugs”
The Colombia government has cracked down on its “war on drugs.”

How Much Should You Care About Russiagate?
The developments in the investigation into the Trump campaign and its ties to Russia.

Trump and the Planet’s New Normal: Overheated, Overbearing and Over-Tweeted
2018 is on the horizon. Let's make it a better time, not the end of time.