Donald Trump

Trump Sets Deadly Precedent by Hiding Rationale for Bombing Syria
A similar attack on North Korea could be catastrophic.

Robert Reich: Morality and the Common Good Must Be at Center of Fighting Trump’s Economic Agenda
President Trump proposes a massive increase in Pentagon spending while cutting funding for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Trump’s National Defense Strategy: Something for Everyone (in the Military-Industrial Complex)
The battle between “guns and butter” is still raging in the US.

Tips Are for Servers, Not CEOs
The Trump administration wants servers to hand over nearly $6 billion to their bosses.

Trump Budget Would Undo Gains From Conservation Programs on Farms and Ranches
Funding will be tight for the 2018 farm bill.

How Trump’s Medicaid Restrictions Will Stop People From Voting
Adding stipulations to Medicaid will create opportunities for racial inequity.

A Note to Media: Don’t Tell Us Republicans Care About Deficits
Actions speak louder than words.

Trump and GOP Slammed for Holding Dreamers “Hostage” as Senate Fails to Pass DACA Fix
Activists vow to continue pushing for a permanent solution to the DACA crisis.

Four Signs That President Trump Is Becoming More Dangerous
Trump seems to be testing out his own power.

Trump Creates, Then Exacerbates, Crisis for Palestinian Refugees
Withholding food aid is no way to negotiate peace.