Donald Trump

Trump Wants to Inflict Misery on Iran With More Economic Sanctions
Economic sanctions are no longer a ‘'softer'’ approach.

Trump’s Plan to Slash $7 Billion From Kids’ Health Program Receives Green Light
The GOP tax cuts for the rich aren't going to pay themselves.

Ballcap Semiotics
What does your ballcap say about you?

President Trump Is Not “Above the Law”: John Bonifaz Warns Against Normalizing Impeachable Offenses
The list of impeachable offenses is growing.

Killing the Iran Deal Could Have Unintended Global Consequences
Iranian nuclear weapons are not among them.

Seventy-Two Percent of Democrats Say Progressive Platforms Should Be Top Priority for Candidates
Respondents also said they'd be ‘'more likely'’ to vote for a candidate backed by Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Playing Trump for Peace: How the Korean Peninsula Could Become a Global Bright Spot
Let Trump preen so he can get out of the way of the real work.

White House Launches Incoherent Counterattack on Mueller Probe
Even as news emerges of another suspicious meeting, White House launches major assault on FBI.

Donald Trump’s “Big Pharma First” Agenda
Ending patent monopoly financing would also end misrepresentation.

New Reports Surface of Trump Campaign’s Involvement With Foreign Entities
Foreign entities other than Russia may have sought to influence the election.