Donald Trump

Trump Threatens Venezuela With New Sanctions as It Faces Economic Crisis
Vijay Prashad, director of the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research, discusses more.

As Midterms Loom, Trump’s HIV/AIDS Council Still Has No Members
Trump has failed LGBTQ people and communities of color, and the GOP is facing a backlash.

Let’s Have 40 Days of Choice Against 40 Days of Lies
Supporters of reproductive rights need to rise with a vocal resistance.

World Laughs at Trump as He Boasts About Himself in UN Address
Trump praised North Korea, attacked Germany and accused Iran of ‘'sowing chaos, death, and destruction.'’

Early Evidence Shows a “Trump Effect” on Bullying in Schools
In Virginia, a study shows that a community's preference for Trump is associated with higher rates of bullying.

Brace for Impact, as the Climate “End Game” Has Arrived
The fate of the human species is very much at stake.

The Fate of Rod Rosenstein Will Impact Every Branch of Government
It all comes down to Thursday.

Trump’s Space Force: Smoke and Mirrors or a Step Toward War in Space?
To go boldly into such a project is potentially folly of the ultimate sort.

As Authoritarians Band Together, We Need a Global Opposition Movement
As authoritarians collaborate with and arm each other, there's a need for a united global opposition.

How Generations of US Presidents Have Paved the Way for Trump’s Wrongdoing
Trump's presidency has openly stoked anger, apathy and ignorance.