
Study Cited by Antivaxxers Is Retracted After Authors Admit Mathematical Error
New polling demonstrates that undue concern about side effects is the biggest driver of vaccine hesitancy in the U.S.

Chomsky, Pollin and Lapavitsas: Are We Witnessing the Demise of Neoliberalism?
COVID has forced dramatic shifts. Is a new variant of capitalism emerging, or is neoliberalism just re-entrenching?

2 Airlines Plan to Defy Greg Abbott’s Ban on Vaccine Mandates in Texas
Southwest Airlines and American Airlines are anticipating a federal rule on vaccines will supersede Abbott's ban.

I’ve Spent 35 Years in Prison. I Live Each Day Fearing Another Wave of COVID.
The pandemic has only exacerbated the poor conditions that I've experienced for 35 years in prison.

Restaurant, Hospitality Workers Quit in Droves in August as COVID Surged
Resignations surged to 4.3 million in August, with large proportions of quits coming from the hospitality industry.

Wisconsin Mom Sues School District After Her Sons Test Positive for Coronavirus
The school district had ended its mask mandate back in May.

Abbott Issues Executive Order Banning Vaccine Mandates in Texas
Texas is currently seeing an average of more than 7,000 new cases of coronavirus per day.

Demonstrators Call on Biden to Show Leadership on Vaccine Patent Waivers
The proposal remains deadlocked at the World Trade Organization more than five months after the White House endorsed it.

COVID Vaccination Could Help Us Avoid Disaster Amid Expected Surge in Flu Cases
The infectious delta variant along with a dramatic rise in flu cases poses a threat of an unprecedented “twindemic.”

Some States Are Rationing Who Gets COVID Care Once Again
A shortage of resources, such as intensive care unit beds, has pushed some states into crisis mode.