
Limiting US COVID-19 Deaths to 100,000 Is Trump’s Idea of Doing a “Good Job”
Trump repeatedly downplayed the threat of a pandemic over the last month.

It’s Time to Rethink US Militarism in the Midst of COVID-19
This should be a time for a genuinely new approach, one fit for a world of rising disruption and disaster.

Could COVID-19 Spell the End of the Fracking Industry as We Know It?
New Mexico is just one state whose fracking boom appears poised to fall off an economic cliff amid the pandemic.

Insurance Companies Could Hike Premiums by 40 Percent Amid Pandemic
The U.S. health care system is ill-equipped to provide necessary care for all.

“Please Take This, Because I Love You and I Might Die”: A COVID Tale
Emblems of life and love are being hurriedly handed from one generation down to the next.

How to Fight Fascism While Surviving a Plague
Kelly Hayes talks with Shane Burley about organizing for survival and the analysis of state power we need right now.

Trump Announces Plan to Refuse Congressional Oversight of Corporate Bailout
The president intends to give Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin free reign over the $500 billion bailout fund.

Poll Workers Contracted COVID-19 at Primaries Deemed Safe by DNC, Biden Campaign
At least two poll workers at locations described as safe by Tom Perez and the Biden campaign have contracted COVID-19.

New York Nurses Are Living a Heartbreaking Nightmare
Some nurses are saying, “Well, most of us are going to get it and some of us are going to die. That’s the way it is.”

Why COVID-19 Could Trigger a Surprise Billing Crisis
Third-party companies that bill for out-of-network care stand to profit from the pandemic, at the expense of the ill.