
The Shift to Working From Home Has Increased the Number of Hours Americans Work
Despite longer work hours, millions of employees have seen their pay reduced amid the pandemic.

Warren Denounces Trump’s Executive Orders as “Cruel Joke” on American People
The Massachusetts Senator described Trump's executive orders that were signed on Saturday as “unconstitutional slop.”

Health Care Workers of Color Nearly Twice as Likely as Whites to Get COVID-19
Harvard research shows POC workers are more likely to report inadequate PPE and to work with COVID-positive patients.

US Has Lost 12,881,000 Jobs Since February. Lowest-Paid Workers Are Hit Hardest.
There is no evidence that generous unemployment benefits are making it difficult to find workers.

Mary Trump on Her Uncle, President Trump, and Why He Must Be Ousted
Mary Trump discusses the president’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic and his long history of lies.

Right-Wing Groups Took Millions in COVID Aid and Spent It Lobbying Against Aid
Numerous groups that eagerly accepted PPP loans have urged Mitch McConnell to slash unemployment benefits.

Navajo Nation’s Shortage of Clean Water Is Impeding Efforts to Control COVID
A disastrous legacy of exploitative drilling and mining has destroyed the Navajo Nation’s precious water resources.

Fauci Is Getting Death Threats After a White House Campaign to Discredit Him
“It brings out the best of people and the worst of people,” Fauci said regarding threats received during the pandemic.

Trump Isn’t “Failing” on COVID Testing. He’s Carrying Out a Brutal Plan.
Both COVID testing and the census have been thwarted to benefit those in power, to help them stay in power.

New Sanders Bill Would Tax “Obscene” Pandemic Windfall of Billionaires
The tax would help fund the U.S. recovery from the pandemic and resulting economic collapse.