
Every Trump Lie Is a Confession
It’s all one long, stream-of-consciousness confession now.

Years of Neglect Have Created Devastating Consequences for Tribal Colleges
Tribal colleges are a lifeline for rural and disenfranchised Native communities.

Firefighters Combating Wildfires Are Facing Dangerously Heightened COVID-19 Risk
Protecting the health of firefighters fighting wildfires helps the fight against the pandemic.

Rural and Native Communities Are Hard Hit by COVID-Era Food Insecurity
The pandemic has caused tremendous suffering for rural and Native people as well as youth and people with disabilities.

Workers’ Health Data Collected for COVID Safety Poses Risk to Labor Rights
Many of these technologies pose severe threats to workers' privacy and other fundamental rights.

Native American Voters Face Significant Barriers to Mail-In Voting in 2020
While voting by mail is critical, it's not a viable option for some Native American communities.

Trump Aides Tried to Alter CDC COVID Reports to Fit President’s False Claims
Leaked emails show an effort to bring COVID-19 reports into alignment with Trump's false narrative on the pandemic.

Trump Campaign Boots NYT Reporter After She Remarks on Lack of Masks at Rally
Trump bragged about the size of the crowd at the Michigan rally, even though people were “crammed” close together.

Crucial Testing for Child Lead Poisoning Has Plummeted During Pandemic
In areas with historically high rates of lead poisoning, the slide has been the most dramatic.

Sanders Lambasts GOP Senate for “Totally Inadequate” COVID Relief Bill
Sanders noted the bill would not prevent teachers and other public employees from losing their jobs due to budget cuts.