
Politicians Should Stop Assuming Immigration Is the Only “Latino Issue”
A majority of Latinos are citizens with an important stake in the economy and they are decidedly not one-issue voters.

COVID Stimulus Checks Have Still Not Reached as Many as 12 Million People
Some of the people who need financial assistance the most during the pandemic never received their checks.

Trump’s Rallies Are Connected to at Least 700 COVID Deaths and 30,000 Infections
“The communities in which Trump rallies took place paid a high price in terms of disease and death,” a new study finds.

Trump’s Lying About COVID Amounts to Treason
In deliberately lying about the dangers of the virus Trump reneged on his sworn oath to protect the people of the U.S.

Trump’s HHS Is Withholding Detailed COVID Hospitalization Data From the Public
Health experts say the information must be disseminated to help improve public health responses to the pandemic.

Founded on Inequality, Can the US Ever Be Truly Democratic and Inclusive?
The inequality deeply embedded in U.S. statecraft continues to counterbalance any progress, however symbolic.

Don Jr. Wrongly Claims the Coronavirus Death Rate Is “Almost Nothing”
One respected health model projects that daily deaths in the U.S. will exceed 2,200 by New Year's Day.

Trump Ramps Up Deportations to Haiti Despite Massive Risk of COVID Spread
A law intended to prevent the spread of disease has been used to deport more than 200,000 immigrants this year.

Uninsured COVID Patients Aren’t Being Told Their Hospital Bills Are Covered
The problem with the COVID-19 uninsured program is that even doctors don’t always know how it works or that it exists.

If Trump Doesn’t Win Pennsylvania, His Chances Crumble to 2 Percent
For the second election cycle in a row, Pennsylvania will play a definitive role in choosing the next president.