
Mitch McConnell Is Sacrificing the Entire Economy to Impede Biden Administration
We are on the cusp of what could potentially become the worst winter in living memory.

Some GOP Governors and Senators Are Simply Dismissing New COVID Surge
Trump and the Republican Party are condemning thousands more to death.

Trump Obstructing Biden’s Transition May Hinder COVID Vaccine Rollout
“You just want things to go very smoothly” from one administration to the next, Anthony Fauci said on Monday.

McConnell Pushes to Pack Courts With Trump’s Judges While Neglecting Pandemic
McConnell has made no effort to hide his intention to advance the reshaping of the judiciary.

Economists Say US Needs 400 Percent More COVID Relief Than McConnell Is Offering
The senate majority leader's delays threaten to worsen the issues that the stimulus bill is supposed to relieve.

Women and Students Are Leading Thailand’s Fight for Democracy
Thai socialist Giles Ji Ungpakorn discusses how activists across the world can build solidarity with the Thai struggle.

Report Finds Over 100 Rebellions in Jails and Prisons Over COVID Conditions
Demands for baseline safety measures by incarcerated people have been met with brutal repression and punishment.

Pfizer CEO Dumped $5.6 Million in Stock on Day of Encouraging Vaccine News
A watchdog group has called for Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies to freeze the sale of stocks by executives.

Health Workers Don’t Need Heroizing Amid COVID Third Wave. They Need Resources.
Hospitals are not only running out of beds -- they're running out of staff.

One-Time Stimulus Checks Aren’t Good Enough. We Need Universal Basic Income.
A universal basic income could restore a sense of safety that the pandemic has destroyed.