
Say Goodbye to America’s Landmarks This Independence Day
As we celebrate the nation's birthday, let us all take a moment to say goodbye to some beloved members of the American family. Many national landmarks could soon disappear …

Bike-Train-Bike: A New European Program to Promote Car-Free Commutes
In terms of getting more people to use alternative transportation, the connection between bikes and public transportation is essential.

The Giant Methane Monster Lurking
There's something lurking deep under the frozen Arctic Ocean, and if it gets released, it could spell disaster for our planet.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Former Bush Administration Official Favors Carbon Tax, and More
It's quite a shock when a former Bush Administration official comes out in favor of a climate change plan even stronger than the president's, and more.

Red Cross: How We Spent Sandy Money Is a “Trade Secret“
The charity is fighting ProPublica's public records request for information on how it raised and spent money after the superstorm.

Hate Summer? Just Wait Until Global Warming Really Kicks In
If you think summer is unbearable now, just wait until the end of the century.

Failure of Democracy
America's existing social and political system has not responded in a sane manner to a critical call from scientists worldwide.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: GOP Considers Government Shutdown to Protect Big Oil, and More
The last government shut down cost our nation billions, but Republicans are thinking about doing it all over again just to protect Big Oil and the Coal Lobby, and …

Acid Seas Threaten Creatures That Supply Half the World’s Oxygen
Ocean acidification is turning phytoplankton toxic.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Strong Hurricanes Developing Earlier Than Usual, and More
For the first time since record-keeping began, two Category 4 hurricanes have developed in the Eastern Pacific Basin before July 1, and more.