
Does NASA’s Data Show Doomsday for New York City?
If we don't do something quick to stop global warming, some of the biggest cities in America could go the way of Atlantis in just a matter of decades.

The Original Geo-Engineers: Or How to Save the Iconic West From the Cow
The new “nesters” understand that you cannot steer and control an ecosystem but you might be able to dance with one.

Wishful Thinking About Natural Gas: Why Fossil Fuels Can’t Solve the Problems Created by Fossil Fuels
The increased availability and decreased price of natural gas are likely to lead to an increase in US greenhouse gas emissions.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Last Month Was the Hottest June on Record, and More
Last month was the hottest June on record, and more.

Call for Action on Climate Change AND Disarmament/Nuclear Abolition
Humanity is at a crossroads, faced with dual threats of climate change and nuclear weapons.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Majority of Americans Favor of Action on Climate Change, and More
Congress may be divided on the issue of climate change, but the vast majority of Americans agree that we must do more to protect our planet, and more.

A Mysterious Hole at the End of the World
The wilderness of Siberia has just gotten a lot more mysterious.

Climate Policy as Wealth Creation
A cap and dividend policy would embody the principle that we all own the earth's resources in equal and common measure.

Unions Backing Historical People’s Climate March
Labor supporters of the march are encouraging union members, their families and their friends to participate in the September 21 March.

Paul Krugman | A Delusional Search for Reasonable Republicans
If former Treasury secretary Hank Paulson believes that he can support Republicans while still pushing for climate action, he's delusional.