
Bill McKibben: Trump’s Presidency Comes When the Warming World Can Least Afford It
Delegates at the United Nations climate summit in Marrakesh, Morocco, are expressing panic over Tuesday's election results.

Uncovered: Fossil Fuel Industry Has Back-Door Access to UN Climate Talks
The connections uncovered are dizzying in number and represent a conflict of interest in the climate policymaking space.

From Norway to Peru, US to Philippines, Activists Sue for Climate Justice
A groundswell of litigation actions against the perpetrators of climate change is emerging across the globe.

Environmentalists Want Your Help Building a Climate Congress
A group of Californians are trying to crowdsource a Wiki on the environmental stances of candidates for the US House and Senate.

How Do We Get to a Conversation in This Country About Climate?
CounterSpin interview with Mark Trahant on Dakota Access.

To Effectively Combat Climate Change, Involve Women
These women are on the front-line of the fight against climate change, and their ingenuity and resolve resulted in a singular victory.

Dahr Jamail | Record Heating of Earth’s Oceans Is Driving Uptick in Hurricanes
Increasingly warm ocean temperatures around the globe are causing record-breaking rainfall events.

Dahr Jamail | Our Changing World: Readers Share Their Climate Stories
Truthout readers share stories that bring home the reality of climate disruption to all of us.

Will Trumpism, Brexit and Geopolitical Exceptionalism Sink the Planet?
Electing green-minded leaders, stopping climate deniers from capturing office, and opposing fossil-fueled ultra-nationalism is the only realistic path to a habitable planet.

Climate Change Pledges Not Nearly Enough to Save Tropical Ecosystems
The carbon pledges made by 178 nations in Paris to date won't likely save tropical coral reefs or cloud forests, or prevent mass global extinctions.