Climate Crisis
We’re at a Dangerous Climate Crossroads – Here’s How We Can Save the Planet
There is really only one thing we can do to prevent a total climate catastrophe: we must keep carbon in the ground.
Wild Science: Bees and Climate Change
Scientists in Colorado investigate ominous climate risks for pollinators.
Dahr Jamail | The World on Fire: Record-Breaking Wildfires, Greenland Melting and Earth’s Hottest Month Ever
Wildfires scorched the western US; a record-breaking size of ice calved from a glacier in Greenland; and more on climate disruption.
As Obama Visits Arctic, Alaskans Urge Him to Reverse Shell Oil Deal
Weeks after approving Shellu2019s plans to drill in Alaska, President Obama is heading to the state.
Setting Aside Half the Earth for “Rewilding”: The Ethical Dimension
Humans are urbanizing like never before.
Self-Governing Association in El Salvador Offers Local Solutions to Global Problems
Local communities are addressing the root causes of poverty and violence, from the lack of educational and economic opportunities to environmental degradation.
Do You Know What It Means to Love New Orleans?
“I sit in my garden, girded by dirt and green and growth, I smell life ... and I think of New Orleans,” says William Rivers Pitt.
Let It Shine
In the face of wars, refugee crises, and unaddressed climate change impacts, let us echo the common sense of children.
The Proven Thing
Drought Relief Bill Threatens to Drown Sacred Sites of a Northern California Tribe
Members of the Winnemem Wintu tribe in California are bracing for one of their biggest environmental justice struggles yet.