Librarians Could Be Jailed or Fined Under Proposed Censorship Law
A proposed bill in Missouri penalizes librarians who make “age-inappropriate sexual material” available to children.
Trump White House Bars Press From Filming or Recording Coronavirus Briefing
Some journalists characterized the press conference as merely a photo-op.
The Internet Is Widely Accessible in Cuba. Why Is the US Insisting It Isn’t?
The only access Cuba blocks is to right-wing anti-government propaganda coming out of the U.S.
National Archives Is Destroying Records About Victims of Trump’s ICE Policies
The National Archives reportedly is allowing millions of documents to be expunged.
Police Raid Egypt’s Last Independent News Outlet
The raid and arrests mark a sharp escalation in Egypt’s attack on press freedom.
Why We Need to Protect Government Scientists From Political Retaliation
Inappropriate interference compromises the objectivity and integrity of government research.
Leaked Draft of Executive Order to “Censor the Internet” Sets Off Alarm Bells
Civil liberties groups are warning that it poses a major threat to online freedoms and First Amendment rights.
Netflix Censors Hasan Minhaj Over Khashoggi Killing and War in Yemen
Netflix pulled an episode of Minhaj’s show “Patriot Act” from Saudi Arabia, after Saudi officials complained.
What Marc Lamont Hill’s Pro-Palestine Message Means to a Palestinian
The fact that Hill was fired says more about his critics than it does about him.
Illinois Prisons Sued for Unconstitutional Ban on LGBTQ Literature
Such censorship further enhances isolation, which is particularly acute for LGBTQ prisoners.