Derailing the Dynasty Train
In his surprise best-seller, Thomas Piketty warns that growing wealth inequality will have a corrosive impact on our democratic institutions.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Poor Are More Ethical Than the 1%
The rich love to demonize the poor, but it turns out that the wealthy are the ones who need a little shaming, and more.
The Financialization of Big Business
Costas Lapavitsas says that capitalists have learned how to make huge profits without producing anything useful.
Why American Conservatives Are Suddenly Freaking Out About Guillotines
The most “revolutionary” thing Professor Piketty calls for in his best-sellling tome is a wealth tax, but our rich are very sensitive.
Hearing the *Ping* of Poverty – or Not
Steeped now as we are in a plutarchic imaginary, poverty is a ping that if you hear, you do not want to pursue.
“Fewer! Fewer! Fewer!” A Step Too Far for the Ultra-Right in the Netherlands?
The acceptance of austerity by most political parties and the general drift to the right has produced fertile ground for far right-parties to take root, and raised the danger …
Thomas Piketty: The Market and Private Property Should Be the Slaves of Democracy
Lynn Fries hosts an extended interview with Thomas Piketty about his widely acclaimed Capital in the 21st Century.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Net Neutrality Is Hanging by the Thinnest of Threads, and More
The FCC formally proposes new rules that could allow companies like Netflix to pay internet service providers like Comcast to have their content sent to customers at faster speeds, …
Ellen Brown | Are Private Banks Unconstitutional?
When enough people understand that private banks rather than governments create our money supply, we might wake up to a new day in banking, finance and the return of …
The Master’s House Is Burning: bell hooks, Cornel West and the Tyranny of Neoliberalism
Cornel West critiques Barack Obama, bell hooks calls Beyonce a terrorist, and contemporary black intellectuals take to the interwebs to express disgust.