Henry A. Giroux: The Militarization of Racism and Neoliberal Violence
Michael Brown's killing by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri is symptomatic of “the neoliberal killing machine” that's emerging all over the world.
Dean Baker | The Entitlement of the Very Rich
Last week we got to see the thinking of the very rich when Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, complained at a summit that there is even an …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Walgreens Will Not Move Overseas to Avoid Taxes, and More
Walgreens has caved to public pressure and announced that they will not move overseas to avoid paying US taxes, and more.
For Disenfranchised Haitian Islanders, Tourism Signals a Paradise Lost
Islanders are angry at their exclusion from the government decision-making process that has opened the island for investment - investments that place residents' futures in limbo.
Lessons From Social Movements: Six Notes on the Radical Imagination
The imagination can be the catalyst for collective liberation, but only if we embrace radical ideas and practices, and open ourselves to the possibility that our world could be …
Poor Polls and Obama’s Missed Opportunity
What if President Obama had rejected conventional political advice and pushed for a new New Deal? What if an effective nonaligned left had pushed for such a program, economist …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Americans Are Drowning in Debt, and More
Americans are drowning in debt, and more.
Want To Take Back Chicago? Here’s How, Say Activists
Our city is sold piece-by-piece to private interests.
Engines of Destruction
Maybe we are already on the eternal train of global capitalism that is taking us for a ride.
Charter School Explosion: Follow the Money
Although Florida law prohibits charter schools from issuing bonds, Charter Schools USA has found a way.