To Save Main Street, Tax Wall Street
Tax avoidance by the wealthiest Americans is drying up our heartland communities and squelching opportunities for our young people.
Economic Update: Immigration and the Economy
This episode discusses a stock market bounce, and more.
Trump’s Muslim Ban and the Challenge of the Left Today
Trump's Muslim ban is a step toward authoritarian transnational capitalism and must be fought in its global context.
Economic Update: Solving Old Economic Problems
This week's episode discusses the Vermont brewery worker co-op, how profitability proves nothing, Trump knocking the “fiduciary rule” and more.
China Is Not to Blame for the Decline of the US Working Class
Workers on both sides of the Pacific are exploited by the same transnational companies and face similar conditions.
Futures Shaped by Automation and Catastrophe: Peter Frase on Capitalism’s Endgame
What could be possible in a world where we have a drastically reduced need for work?
Economic Update: Women’s Movement Economics
This week's episode provides updates on the NFL's income redistribution, big bucks for Starbucks CEO and more.
This Is Our Land: The Rebirth of Mass Resistance
Now here's the thing about domination: it is never absolute. When capitalism is most reckless, it is also most vulnerable.
“Medicare for All”: A Uniting Call to Action in the Age of Trump
Medicare for All is supported by 58 percent of Americans and activists are organizing for it all across the US.
MLK Day 2017: Mobilizing Against Racism, Capitalism and Militarism in a Neo-Fascist Era
The moment we are in demands that we pay close attention to history. Our lives depend on it.