New Hampshire Gets a Taste of Elizabeth Warren’s Retail Politics
Warren's “selfie line” is retail politics for the 21st century.
Suicide as Corporate Murder: France Télécom on Trial
At France Télécom, worker suicides were not an aberration of the system, but the deliberate outcome.
Ayn Rand’s Legacy of Unifying Social Cruelty
Trump is not the only Republican who mistakenly envisages himself as an Ayn Rand hero.
The Devious Ways One Water Company Is Profiting From Poor Mexicans
Agua de Puebla is diverting water to a new Heineken factory even as it cuts off water supplies to homes.
Henry A. Giroux: The Dismantling of Public Education Fuels Fascism
Corporate values have changed the nature of higher education in the U.S.
Sanders’s Speech Presents a Conundrum for New Left’s Socialist Strategy
Bernie Sanders is offering adjustments to capitalism, not transformation into a worker-controlled democratic society.
Capitalist Workplaces Set Bosses Up to Be Authoritarian Tyrants
“Free markets” do not guarantee workers any freedoms other than the freedom to be unemployed and to starve.
In the Face of Climate Collapse, We Need the Wisdom of Elders
Western industrial culture abandons elders. Now more than ever, we must instead recognize their wisdom.
Over 500,000 Women Participate in Switzerland Women’s Strike
On June 14, hundreds of thousands of women went on strike throughout Switzerland for the second time since 1991.
Let’s Shut Down the Authoritarian Machine
In an age of fascist politics, we must fight the emergence of apocalyptic nationalism and racist authoritarianism.