Racist Violence Can’t Be Separated From the Violence of Neoliberal Capitalism
Neoliberal society is built on the myth that economic prosperity is hermetically sealed from racial and social justice.
Florida, Georgia and Trump Are Lying. COVID Is Far From Over.
We are “reopening” because in these United States, the people have always come a distant second to profit.
Imagine a World Where All Workers Are “Essential,” But Not All Leaders Are
Given their greed, ineptitude and callousness, we should reconsider how essential CEOs and our “leaders” really are.
Companies Plan to Profit in High-Tech COVID Dystopia
The pandemic could transform our lives into a “permanent living laboratory for a highly profitable no-touch future."
Mass Unemployment Amid the Pandemic Is an Indictment of Capitalism
Worker co-ops lack capitalism’s irrational fixation on profit, so they are not subject to boom-and-bust job cycles.
The Day Petroleum Was Less Than Worthless
We now know that oil can cease to be important without the Earth tumbling into the sun. Where do we go from here?
COVID-19 Exposes the Delicate Economic Balance We All Live in Under Capitalism
This pandemic makes it clear that under capitalism, the worker is not that far removed from the pauper.
Billionaires Have Paid 79 Percent Fewer Taxes Since 1980
As we emerge from this pandemic, any recovery program should include a tax that limits the hoarding of wealth.
COVID-19 Was a Trigger, But Capitalism Caused the Economic Crash
Naming economic crashes after their triggers only distracts attention from capitalism’s innate vulnerabilities.
Minimum-Wage Workers Are Dying to Keep Everyone Else Alive. They Deserve More.
Low-wage workers are standing between our society and calamity. They deserve health care and a living wage now.