There’s Much to Say About Economics of War, But Most Economists Won’t Address It
Traditional economics virtually ignores war, even though economic triggers directly contribute to conflicts.
Where Urban Fault Lines Run Deep, Solidarity Cities Take Root
In divided cities profoundly shaped by racial capitalism, solidarity economies are redrawing urban space.
We Must Build International Solidarity Against US-China Imperial Rivalry
The left faces the challenge of building solidarity with the struggles from below in both countries.
From the Ashes: How Grief Shapes Our Struggles
“The capitalist system also doesn't care if we die,” says author Sarah Jaffe.
Will COP16 on Biodiversity Listen to Indigenous Women or Corporate Lobbyists?
Indigenous women have long been at the forefront of the global movement for land and territorial rights.
Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Fearmongering Exposes Extent of Fascism’s Rise in 2024
A new poll offers an alarming wake-up call about how normalized violence has become in this era of gangster capitalism.
From Weapons to Fossil Fuels — 10 Firms Control $50 Trillion of Global Wealth
A new book, “Titans of Capital,” shows how the 0.05 percent concentrate wealth by investing in industries of mass death.
The Biden Administration Pressured Countries to Weaken Baby Formula Health Rules
Trade letters document how the government’s regulatory challenges in several countries are undermining public health.
How Solidarity Falters Amid Repression and How We Can Do Better
“This system was designed to do exactly what it is doing,” says author and activist Dean Spade.
Greece Just Became the First European Country to Impose a 6-Day Workweek
Years of brutal neoliberal capitalism combined with the left’s betrayal have led to widespread political demoralization.