Torture Opponents Say Ban Dick Cheney from Canada or Prosecute Him
Torture suspect and former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney is scheduled to speak at the Toronto Global Forum.
A Discriminatory Ban on Religious Symbols for State Employees Threatens Human Rights in Quebec
The proposed charter would aim to clarify the ways in which to govern in Quebec, especially with religious minorities.
Mexican Communities Resist Environmentally Destructive Canadian Mining Companies
Indigenous Mexicans are being pushed out of their country by global corporate forces, says David Bacon, in
Global Harms Need a Global Remedy: Small but Meaningful Victory against Hudbay Minerals
After human rights violations were perpetrated by a Canadian mining company against a Guatemalan village, the village fought back in court.
Trains on Auto Pilot: Railroading Quebec
The Quebec disaster was an undesired derailment of the rollout of the railroad's grand plans to further reduce labor costs.
Colombian Connection: Canadian Neocolonialism in the Global South
Canada's involvement in social and ecological injustices in Colombia often goes unremarked.
“It Can’t Happen Here”…But It Is Happening There
Right now, highly toxic and environmentally devastating tar sands oil is leaking from underground wells at a tar sands oil extracting operation in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada.
An Anarchistic Understanding of the Social Order: Environmental Degradation, Indigenous Resistance and a Place for the Sciences
Andrew Gavin Marshall looks at the indigenous struggle against neoliberalism and globalization.
Will Marijuana Farming in Mendocino County, California, Lead America to Pot?
Truthout interviews Doug Fine about the issues covered in his book ‘Too High to Fail.’
State Department Admits It Doesn’t Know Keystone XL’s Exact Route
Big Oil's refusal to release the exact route of the Keystone XL puts thousands of American lives at risk.