Campaign Finance

Sanders, the “Progressive” Plutocrat, and the Supreme Court Vacancy
Progressives should demand that Sanders call on President Obama to make a recess appointment of a progressive justice.

The Clinton Foundation and the Media: A Deep-Seated Conflict of Interest
Liberals' knee-jerk defense of Clinton risks giving conservatives the high ground on the issue of money and politics.

The Trump Campaign’s Surprising $8.4 Million Expenditure
The Trump campaign filed its latest campaign finance reports last week, and the largest expense — “digital and online advertising” surprised a lot of reporters.

Do Huge Campaign Contributions Underline the Power of the Elite?
The financial sector has contributed as much as $637u00a0million in 2016 to candidates, candidate committees and outside spending groups.

Trickle-Down Election Economics: How Big Money Can Affect Small Races
Why New York's congressional and state Senate races could be donor draws.

The Feuds and Funders Behind the Pro-Donald Trump Super PACs
So who are the Trump-supporting super PACs? We've broken down who's in charge, what theyu2019ve raised, and the intense discord between them.

Is the GOP Ready to Cut Trump Off Financially?
Trump is so far behind Clinton in the polls — and no candidate in the last 16 elections has lagged at this point in the race and still won …

Trump Campaign Blames “Scammers” After Being Busted (Again) for Soliciting Foreign Donations
It is against the law for campaigns to receive or even seek out foreign donations.

Why Money in Politics Means More Fracking: A Cautionary Tale From North Carolina
In North Carolina, constituents and ratepayers are concerned Gov. Pat McCrory's administration is too partial to utility monopoly Duke Energy.

Stark New Evidence on How Money Shapes US Elections
Oversights of two generations of social scientists have weakened democracy.