Bernie Sanders
The People vs. The Student Loan Industry
Trump is gutting the few protections student borrowers have, even as the largest student loan servicer faces a lawsuit.
Dismantling Domination: What We Can Learn About Freedom From Karl Marx
Marx's major innovation was a theory of capitalism as a system of domination, says the author of Marx's Inferno.
Cornel West and Former Sanders Staffer on Movement to Draft Bernie for a New “People’s Party”
Sen. Bernie Sanders has emerged as one the country's most popular politicians.
Single-Payer Health Care Is Seeing Record Support in Congress
Thanks to the repeal debacle, the GOP has inadvertently helped make single-payer part of the national conversation.
Prospects for Social Democracy in the US: Insights From a Syndicalist in Sweden
US socialists should not get over-excited about European-style social democracy, says author Gabriel Kuhn.
Could Legalizing Prescription Drug Imports Break Big Pharma?
A new proposal to allow imports of cheaper prescription drugs may help break Big Pharma's monopoly on drug pricing.
Socialist Organizer and Black Lives Matter Activist Runs for Office in Fulton, Georgia
Supported by Our Revolution, a Democratic Socialists for America member is running as an unapologetic progressive.
Sen. Bernie Sanders Will Introduce “Medicare for All” Bill
Senator Sanders says Democrats' intransigence is the solution, not the problem.
The DLC Lives: “Third Way” Democrats Are Trying to Push the Party Rightward
The DLC never went away: Through well-funded think tanks like Third Way, it continues to push Democrats to the right.
The GOP’s Health Care Plan: “Universal” Access for the Wealthy
Paul Ryan and his GOP allies want a health care system that benefits their true masters — the wealthy corporate elite.