Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Wins Nevada After Heavy Organizing in Latinx Communities
Sanders's win shows the potential for Latinx voters to reshape the next stage of the Democratic presidential race.
Who Is Funding the Anti-Bernie Sanders Super PAC?
As Sanders is projected to win the upcoming contests, big Democratic donors have concerns.
Bernie Sanders Releases Plan for Guaranteed “Child Care and Pre-K for All”
The plan would be paid for by inverting the massive tax giveaway lavished on the wealthy by President Donald Trump.
Democratic Party Dinosaurs Have Seen the Meteor, and It’s Coming From Vermont
An MSNBC host outrageously responded to Sanders's victory in Nevada by comparing it to the Nazi victory in France.
Centrists Use Nevada Debate to Position Themselves Between Bloomberg and Sanders
Centrist candidates are using Bloomberg to argue that Sanders is as risky of a bet as an oligarch to defeat Trump.
Trump Would “Chew Him Up and Spit Him Out,” Bernie Sanders Warns of Bloomberg
Mike Bloomberg's debate performance showed that the president would make easy work of him in a general election debate.
MSNBC’s Anti-Sanders Bias Was on Display in Nevada, But It Hasn’t Hurt Him
The attacks have become more cartoonish and frequent but have not hurt Bernie Sanders in the polls.
Divisions on Health Care Continue to Define 2020 Democratic Race
Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren repeated their calls for Medicare for All on the Nevada debate stage.
Sanders Says the People — Not the Party Elites — Should Decide the Nomination
The other candidates suggested they would accept a situation in which superdelegates and party insiders decide who wins.
Elizabeth Warren Made a Meal of Mike Bloomberg in Las Vegas
Bloomberg had his own head handed to him in a small paper sack marked “Property of Warren for President.”