Bernie Sanders
Biden Eyes More Tax Hikes to Reduce Income Inequality in Infrastructure Bill
The White House's expanded proposal contains $1 trillion more in spending and over $2 trillion more in tax increases.
As Union Drive Heated Up, Jeff Bezos Orchestrated Twitter War on Bernie Sanders
Last week, Amazon turned a few tweets into a PR mess. Those tweets, it turns out, were on order from Jeff Bezos himself.
Bernie Sanders Introduces Bills to Fix the “Corrupt and Rigged Tax Code”
As budget chairman, Sanders has introduced bills to tax corporations and the wealthy while helping the working class.
Bernie Sanders Is Heading to Bessemer During Last Days of Amazon Union Vote
If the workers successfully unionize, Sanders has said it would be a “shot heard around the world.”
Sanders Is Calling Out Centrists on “Simple Moral Issue” of Minimum Wage
In a recent meeting, Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema reiterated opposition to Sen. Bernie Sanders’s wage bill.
Bernie Sanders Introduces Bills to Lower Prescription Drug Costs
“How many people need to get unnecessarily sicker before Congress is prepared to take on the greed?” Sanders asked.
Bernie Sanders Is on a Mission to Tax Billionaire CEOs
Sanders and Warren proposed a bill to raise taxes on corporations that pay CEOs 50 times what they pay average workers.
Sanders Pitches Bill to Close Wide Pay Gap Between CEOs and the Average Worker
The legislation would hike taxes on large corporations that pay their CEOs over 50 times more than its median worker.
Amazon Is Hiring Aggressive Firms to Bust Union Efforts
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos declined Bernie Sanders’s invitation to a Senate Budget Committee hearing on inequality today.
The Stimulus Payments’ Big Delivery Snafus Need to Be Addressed — Now
The poorest households, which need the money the most, had significant problems getting their $1,200 and $600 payments.