Bernie Sanders
Sanders to Democrats: If You Support Progressive Policies, “You Win Elections”
“If Democrats are going to do well in 2022, in my view, they’ve got to stand up very firmly for working families.”
Sanders Tells Warren Buffett to Treat Rail Workers Better and Avert Strike
Warren Buffett is the chair of Berkshire Hathaway, which owns one of the major railways involved in the dispute.
Sanders Calls State of US Health Care an “International Embarrassment”
“Sickness should not be a cause of financial ruin,” Sanders said.
Manchin’s Pipeline Deal Must Be Blocked, 77 Democrats Say in Letter
The Democrats say that handouts to Big Oil being considered by Congress “undermine the law in the name of ‘reform.’”
Appalachians Protest Manchin’s Mountain Valley Pipeline Plan
The extractive industries that create sacrifice zones to profit must be stopped, say organizers.
Sanders Says He’ll Vote Against Budget Bill If Manchin Pipeline Deal Is Included
Climate advocates have condemned the deal to fast track the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which was previously nearly dead.
Sanders Calls on UK and US Workers to Stand Together Against Oligarchs
In a speech at the Trade Union Congress in London, Sanders laid out the urgency of coordinated international campaigns.
“Tell the Oligarchs They Cannot Have It All” Sanders Tells UK’s Striking Workers
“There is no success, no justice, without struggle. They are never going to give it to you,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said.
Sanders Rebukes GOP for Hypocritical “Squawking” About Student Debt Relief
“I don’t hear any of these Republicans squawking when we give massive tax breaks to billionaires,” Sanders said.
Sanders Calls for Rent Control, Castigates Corporate “Vultures” in Fiery Speech
At a labor rally in Boston, Sanders said a strong labor movement is the public’s best bet to fight corporate power.