Bernie Sanders
Sanders, Warren, and Others Raise Alarm Over Rise of Medical Credit Cards
More than 100 million people are saddled with medical debt in the U.S., collectively owing upwards of $200 billion.
Industry Lobbyists Worry as Sanders Takes Over Powerful Senate Health Panel
Health care industry lobbyists are particularly concerned about how Sanders will wield the committee's subpoena power.
When It Comes to Greed and Tax Dodging, Sanders Points Out “Trump Is Not Alone”
Sen. Sanders called out seven major companies that also paid no federal income taxes in 2020.
Sanders Urges Transportation Secretary to Hold Southwest CEO Accountable
Secretary Pete Buttigieg has faced criticism for refusing to take on the increasingly consolidated airline industry.
Biden, Like Trump, Derails Effort to End US Support for Saudi War in Yemen
Sen. Bernie Sanders withdrew a War Powers Resolution Tuesday, following pressure from the White House.
Sanders Vows to Vote Against $858B Defense Bill, Calls for Medicare for All
“We have got to start protecting the needs of working families,” Sanders emphasized.
As NYT Staffers Strike, Sanders Calls to Empower Workers Battling Media Giants
“We need to rebuild and protect a diverse and truly independent press,” wrote Sen. Sanders.
Democrats Urge Biden to Make Federal Contractors Disclose Dark Money Spending
The lawmakers say that lax election finance laws have paved the way for “quid pro quo corruption.”
Sanders Moves for Senate to Vote on Ending US Support for Saudi-Led War in Yemen
Sanders says that the resolution has the votes to pass the Senate.
House Backs Rail Contract With 7 Days Paid Sick Leave in Concession to Workers
Sen. Bernie Sanders is vowing to ensure that the sick leave proposal is voted on in the Senate.