Colleges Are Using COVID as an Excuse for Austerity. Unions Are Pushing Back.
Some union organizers say that recent budget cuts were premature, premeditated, and in some cases, draconian.
Colleges Are Using COVID as a Pretext to Make Draconian Cuts to the Humanities
COVID-19 is being used as a pretext to eviscerate departments at both public and private colleges throughout the U.S.
Progressives Demand Repeal of Paygo Law as Automatic Medicare Cuts Loom
Statutory Paygo requires deficit spending to be offset by cuts to government programs.
The Frantic Push to Reopen Schools Ignores Educational Inequality Before COVID
Rhetoric about children “falling behind” shows a desire to maintain a broken status quo, not a desire for true equity.
In the Absence of COVID Safety Plans, Teachers Are Resigning and Retiring Early
An unprecedented number of teachers and other school employees are leaving the field because of fears about COVID.
Independence Is the Progressive Solution to US Colonialism in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rican Cultural Center Executive Director José López discusses the changing political landscape in Puerto Rico.
The Insufficient COVID Stimulus Must Not Be Followed by Austerity
Critics say the $900 billion relief package does not go far enough in providing direct aid to those in most need.
Don’t Let Cuomo’s “Pay Cut” Stunt Deflect Attention From His Austerity Policies
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has long opted for anti-working class policies. Only an organized public sector can push back.
Deep Cuts to Florida’s Public Health System Made the State Vulnerable to COVID
Experts point to cuts made during the Great Recession and decisions to shift public services to for-profit entities.
To Reopen Schools Safely, We Need to Fund Teachers — Not Cops
Activists say removing police will make schools safer for students of color and free up cash for COVID safety measures.