Inflation Crisis Is Being Resolved on Backs of Workers. It Doesn’t Have to Be.
Workers must unite to demand wage and benefit increases, and price freezes on vital goods and necessities.
New Puerto Rico Debt Plan Is a False “Solution” Crafted to Benefit Capitalists
The plan charts a future largely absent the input of Puerto Ricans who will be most impacted by its devastating effects.
Activists Are Challenging Laws That Enable Vulture Funds to Exploit Global South
Vulture funds target financially distressed areas like Puerto Rico. Independence organizers are pushing back.
Ilhan Omar Calls Manchin’s Demand to Limit Child Tax Credit a “Terrible Idea”
“I can’t believe I have to say this, but it is a terrible idea to cut the Child Tax Credit,” wrote Rep. Ilhan Omar.
Puerto Ricans Fight Privatization of Energy and Demand Democratic Ownership
The global fight against the privatization of utilities has a new front — Puerto Rico, where protests are raging.
Progressives Push Democrats to Reject Outdated Austerity Policies
Progressives are calling on Democrats to ensure that all of the party's key priorities remain in the final budget.
Iceland Didn’t Tilt Left as Expected. A Socialist Reflects on the Election Loss.
Not getting into parliament was disappointing, but the work of building a just society doesn’t stop with elections.
Colleges Are Using COVID as an Excuse for Austerity. Unions Are Pushing Back.
Some union organizers say that recent budget cuts were premature, premeditated, and in some cases, draconian.
Colleges Are Using COVID as a Pretext to Make Draconian Cuts to the Humanities
COVID-19 is being used as a pretext to eviscerate departments at both public and private colleges throughout the U.S.
Progressives Demand Repeal of Paygo Law as Automatic Medicare Cuts Loom
Statutory Paygo requires deficit spending to be offset by cuts to government programs.