Fiscal Austerity May Jeopardize Brazil’s Poverty Alleviation Program
Brazil has succeeded in lifting 36 million people out of extreme poverty over the past 12 years.
Economic Update: Puerto Rico as the United States’ Greece
This episode provides updates on homeless school children, and more.
The Greek Bailout: Germany’s Pyrrhic Victory
The Greek bailout terms were a defeat for Greece and a victory for Germany, but the costs may be more than the victor can bear.
Brazil Needs New Economic Program to Jump-Start Growth and Employment
Austerity is not working in Brazil any more than it has been working in Europe.
As Greek Elections Near, Expecting More of the Same From Syriza Spinoff Party
Scholar James Petras explains why he believes the Greek party that broke off from Syriza will offer more failed economic policies.
Victory of Scottish National Party Fuels UK Nuclear Abolition Movement
The Scottish National Party is showing how spending on the Trident nuclear submarine program could be used for social programs.
How the US Set Sail on a Sea of Red Ink
Free trade deals and financial deregulation in the 1980s and 1990s contributed to the nation's level of indebtedness.
Greece: A Perfect Storm
On the streets of Athens, Greeks are divided about how to save their economy, but some are hopeful.
Richard D. Wolff | Déjà Vu: Germany Tightens Its Economic Power Over Europe
The richest European economy imposed massive suffering onto one of the poorest economies in Europe.
Art and Protest at Venice Biennale Highlights Labor Conditions, Climate Change and Austerity
The Venice Biennale is the oldest and most prestigious international art exhibition.