
How the US Quietly Lost the IED War in Afghanistan
While some news outlets have published stories this year suggesting that the U.S. military was making u201cprogressu201d against the Taliban IED war, the reality is more stark for American …

Killing the Kids That Don’t Need to Die
Someone should put to Obama and Romney the same question: u201cWhy are we killing the kids that donu2019t need to die?u201d

Overwrought Empire: The Discrediting of US Military Power
Even as military power has proven itself a bust again and again, our policymakers have come to rely ever more completely on a military-first response to global problems.

Chris Hedges: The Maimed Amongst Us
It is only the maimed that finally know war. And we are the maimed.

Reflections on “Columbus” Day
Columbus Day reminds me that my countryu2019s origin was based on violence, subjugation, racism and genocide.

On the Killing of Eight Afghan Women
The peaceful words of religious texts like the Gospel are often steamrolled in favor of the culture of war. But with the recent killing of eight Afghan women by …

Afghanistan Today and Tomorrow
Tom Hayden, close observer of US foreign policy since the early 1960s, offers his wisdom on Afghanistan, seen here through the artistry of two young comics creators.

General’s Defense on Afghan Scandal Ducks Key Evidence
Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell, the former commander of NATOu2019s training mission in Afghanistan, denies his involvement in a high level military scandal.

Monopolizing War? What America Knows How to Do Best
Can you name all the countries where US troops have been deployed? Tom Engelhardt discusses War in America is the booming business it has always been.

Farzana, “2 Million Friends” and a Ceasefire in Afghanistan
u201cStop fighting,u201d says 22 year old Afghan stage actress and Afghan Peace Volunteer Farzana who is using her gifts on the stage to gain peace in her home.