
Ted Cruz Seeks Abortion Pill Ban, Claims Pregnancy Is Not “Life-Threatening”
Republican elected officials and anti-abortion groups have tried to leverage the pandemic to curtail abortion access.

“New Right” Leaders Are Co-opting Progressive Language to Mislead Voters
The leaders of the “new populist right” are refurbishing the very conservative and elite order they claim to oppose.

Justice Roberts Joins Liberal Wing to Block Louisiana’s Restrictive Abortion Law
The 5-4 decision overturned a 2014 law that would have allowed only one abortion clinic to remain open in Louisiana.

The Fight’s Not Over. Doctors Like Me Will Continue Pushing for Abortion Rights.
The Supreme Court struck down Louisiana’s restrictive abortion law, but the fight for patients’ rights continues.

The Supreme Court Is About to Make Seismic Rulings on Reproductive Rights
If the Supreme Court upholds Trump regulations, up to 126,000 people could lose birth control coverage from employers.

The “Pro-Life” Movement’s Response to COVID-19 Reveals Its Hypocrisy
The pandemic has made it glaringly obvious that the “pro-life” movement is about political power, not preserving life.

Roe of “Roe v. Wade” Says Christian Right Paid Her to Be Anti-Choice Mouthpiece
McCorvey was paid more than $450,000 in “benevolent gifts” to be an anti-abortion spokesperson.

Trump Judge Argues the Government Can Execute People Any Way It Wants
Former deputy White House counsel Gregory Katsas gave several thousand dollars to Senate Judiciary Committee members.

Planned Parenthood Condemns States Using Pandemic to Limit Abortion Access
Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson discusses red states' attack on abortion rights amid the pandemic.

Anti-Abortion Groups Are Using the COVID-19 Outbreak to Stop Abortions
The groups suggested strategies the administration could use amid the COVID-19 crisis to cut off access to abortion.