
As the South Cracks Down on Abortion Access, Tax Dollars Flow to Fake Clinics
“Crisis pregnancy centers” are funded by taxpayer dollars in 16 states, including six in the South.

Ron DeSantis’s Ousting of Elected Official Sets a Dangerous Precedent
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is undermining voting rights by removing elected officials to replace them with his allies.

Abortion Bans Are a Top Issue for Democratic Voters This Midterm, Poll Shows
The poll showed 76 percent of all voters motivated by the issue plan to vote for candidates who support abortion access.

Abortion Bans Are Making It Harder for Some Cancer Patients to Get Chemotherapy
Now, some people have to travel out of state for their requisite abortions before getting cancer treatment.

Poll Conducted Before Walker Abortion Report Shows Warnock Leading by 12 Points
Just 38 percent of voters in Georgia say they support Herschel Walker in the Senate race, the new poll suggests.

Advocates Urge FDA to Ease Access to Abortion Pill for Miscarriage Management
Regulations around mifepristone make it hard for miscarrying patients to access it, especially in the current climate.

Protests Against Compulsory Hijab Sweep Iran, With Spotlight on Bodily Autonomy
Women in the U.S. and Iran could be empowered to confront the growing authoritarianism that is suffocating us all.

Disapproval of the Supreme Court Is at a Record High, Polling Finds
Over 4 in 10 Americans now say that the Supreme Court is “too conservative” — an all-time high.

Mastriano Called for Prosecuting Abortion as Murder. He’s Not the Only One.
Criminal penalties for abortion are widely unpopular, but that hasn't stopped Republicans from pursuing them.

An Anti-Abortion Bill in Pennsylvania Could Also Undermine Climate Laws
SB 106 would make it easier to bar a rule from being passed by eliminating the two-thirds majority to override a veto.