
Birth Rates Increased in First Six Months of 2023 Because of Abortions Bans
Forty-three states currently restrict abortion after a certain point in pregnancy, and 14 states ban the procedure.

Tax Filings Shed Light on Leonard Leo-Linked Groups Challenging Mifepristone
Filings suggest Leo’s dark money network is again at the center of a case set to go before the Supreme Court.

Far Right Appeals Court Rules Against Fed Protections for Emergency Abortions
The ruling bars the Biden administration from applying a federal law on emergency health care to abortions.

History Shows Community Solidarity Is Essential for Making Abortion Accessible
In the wake of “Dobbs”, we must again center community solidarity around bodily autonomy, like we did before “Roe.”

18 Months After “Dobbs,” Here’s How Abortion Providers and Activists See Things
Abortion funds and logistical support groups are enabling people to travel out of state to obtain abortion care.

The Reality of What It Is to Have an Abortion Has to Be Brought Into Every Story
Melissa Gira Grant discusses how abortion access is covered within the broader context of politics in the US.

Wisconsin Republicans Propose Referendum to Restrict Abortion Rights
Abortion is currently legal up to 20 weeks into a pregnancy in Wisconsin — the proposal could shorten that to 12 weeks.

Poll Shows Most Americans Disapprove of Texas Denying Kate Cox an Abortion
Polls within Texas also show that state voters disagree with its burdensome abortion restrictions.

Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers in FL Get Taxpayer Funds With Little Oversight
Many are receiving double -- and even triple -- the amount of funds they received in previous years.

FL Abortion Rights Organizers Have 1.4 Million Signatures for Ballot Initiative
Many hurdles could still derail the initiative, even though it is backed by most Floridians, including Republicans.