2020 Election

Hundreds of Thousands to Protest as Puerto Rico Governor Refuses to Resign
This follows the publication of sexist and racist comments between Rosselló and his aides.

Which 2020 Democrats Are Taking Money From the Health Care Industry?
Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and insurers are working together to stop Sanders's proposed healthcare plan.

Bernie Sanders Challenges Joe Biden to Stop Taking Money From Big Pharma
Biden, who opposes Medicare for All, received donations from at least 15 top Big Pharma and health insurance executives.

Noam Chomsky: Trump Is Trying to Exploit Tension With Iran for 2020
Trump is cynically concocting crises with Iran to strengthen his hand going into the next election, Chomsky says.

Democratic Leaders Rake in Corporate Cash as “Squad” Sticks With Small Donors
House Democratic leaders take in nearly $1.2 million in contributions from corporate and trade association PACs.

Five 2020 Democrats Rise to the Top Amid Second Quarter Fundraising
Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris lead the pack in donations raised.

Fox News Is Intensifying Its Racist Attacks to Prop Up Trump 2020
Fox is now a maker of policy that results in shattering torment for innocent people.

Liz Cheney Goes All-In on Trump’s Racism: Meet the Future of the GOP
Nikki Haley, once a GOP rising star, has gone silent. But another woman is ready to grab the golden dog-whistle.

We’re Spending Trillions on Weapons and War. Let’s Spend It on Health Care.
The money needed to fund Medicare for All is there. It always has been.

Julián Castro: Trump’s Asylum Ban Is Unconstitutional
Presidential candidate Julián Castro discusses the asylum ban and his immigration reform proposals.