The Whole World Is Watching: NATO in Chicago
The NATO summit coming to Chicago in May has brought the eyes of the world to the overlap among questions of militarization, poverty and dissent in a globalized society. Truthout has been covering developing plans for the protest on the ground since it was first announced, along with following the larger reach of NATO, from its scandals in Pakistan to the debate over drones.

The Clash on Wabash: The 150 NATO Summit Protesters Who Stayed Up Past Mainstream Media’s Bedtime
After the scheduled #noNATO march ended Sunday afternoon, May 20, a much-broadcast clash with police resulted in a fracture of the main protest group.

Is This What Democracy Looks Like? Reflections on Chicago
When the NATO summit began, the presence of the police force felt as substantial as the massive crowd they were there to control.

Collateral Damage in the War on Protesters: Neighbors of the NATO3 Cuffed, Held at Gunpoint
Whether or not they are guilty of illegal activity, the original three activists facing terrorism charges in Chicago and their six apartment-mates are not the only people who were …

Has the FBI Launched a War of Entrapment Against the Occupy Movement?
Is the government unleashing the same methods of entrapment against OWS that it has used against left movements and Muslim-Americans?

Pictures of Second “NATO 5” Informant, “Gloves,” Published For First Time on
Now, the other informant, u201cGloves,u201d has in some ways been outed, with two pictures of her up online for the world to see for the first time thanks to …

NATO Protest: Veterans Return Their Medals and More
We'll speak with two men who were held at gun point by the Chicago police for live streaming. Then, in one of the most watched antiwar protests in decades, …

Blood on Protesters’ Faces and Dozens Arrested: Anti-NATO Protest Aftermath in Chicago
Over the weekend thousands of anti-NATO protesters gathered in the Windy City to march against the organization's apparent pro-war agenda. Dozens were arrested during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization …

Boeing HQ Shut Down by Anti-NATO Summit Protesters to Cap Week of Action
Protesters staged a “die-in” outside of the defense contractor's office.

Entrapment of Cleveland 5 and NATO 3 Is Nothing New
The old trope of the bomb-throwing anarchist is back in the news, with a round-up in Ohio on May 1 and the three would-be NATO protesters arrested on Wednesday who are …

From Pride to Shame: Vets Return Their Medals
The transition from pride to shame was a common theme among the more than forty veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who publicly hurled their medals in …