Human Rights and Global Wrongs
Marjorie Cohn analyzes the impact of US imperialism and human rights violations.

Israel Illegally Enshrines Apartheid in Its “Basic Law”
Israel's new legislation violates both customary and treaty-based international law.

Kavanaugh Scorns International Law and Loves Executive Power
If confirmed, Kavanaugh will almost certainly defer to a law-breaking president.

Indefinite Detention of Migrants Violates International Law
Trump's stated intention to indefinitely detain immigrant families together violates international law.

In Upholding Muslim Ban, the Supreme Court Ignored International Law
All nine justices disregarded the US's legal obligations under international human rights law.

North Korea Agreed to Denuclearize, but When Will the US?
Only global denuclearization can eliminate the unimaginable threat of nuclear war.

Dissecting Trump’s Efforts to Place Himself Above the Law
His attorneys say he is immunized against legal consequences.

In Unanimous Vote, House Says No Legal Right to Attack Iran
The White House seemed to be setting the stage for an attack.

How Do You Get Off the US “Kill List”?
Citizens on the list have no due process rights.

Senate Panel Endorses Gina Haspel, Despite Her Facilitation of Torture
Haspel has refused to say torture is immoral and illegal.

Will Congress Authorize Indefinite Detention of Americans?
S.J.Res.59 is a blank check for presidential powers.