Gar Alperovitz | America Beyond Capitalism
Groundbreaking economist and author Gar Alperovitz’s paradigm-shifting book lays out a roadmap for the systemic economic change necessary to build a just society.
The Challenge of the Era of Technological Abundance
The new understandings that the Internet increasingly underscores are moral wild cards.
America Before Capitalism: Historical Perspective
In this installment of America Beyond Capitalism, Gar Alperovitz considers the changes in technology and social organization in the US from 1790 to the present.
Twenty-First Century Populism
The various present impediments to progressive reform are likely to foster a radicalized politics, a twenty-first century populism that promises individual fulfillment in the context of community.
Beyond Super-Elites and Conspicuous Consumption: Real Ecological Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century
Although there is dispute about the precise dimensions of the problem, prudence alone suggests the importance of confronting basic ecological limits.
The 25-Hour Work Week
As we have seen, hours worked per week and per year have increased very substantially for large numbers of Americans in recent years.
The Regional Restructuring of the American Continent
Americans committed to a renewal of democracy are likely to discover this can only be meaningfully achieved in units of scale smaller than a continent.
Community, the Environment and the “Nonsexist City“
In this chapter, Gar Alperovitz charts the varied interconnections between community economic and environmental stability, gender-friendly community design and land ownership institutions.
Is Local Democracy Possible in the Global Era?
Can Americans ever really take charge of their common community life, given the realities of the modern political economy?
The Democratization of Wealth and the Era of Deepening Fiscal Crisis
Latest chapter from Gar Alperovitz's
State and National Innovators
Capital can and should be accumulated and managed in ways that provide individual citizens with an income stream from publicly backed investments.