War & Peace

Welcome Home, War! How America’s Wars Are Systematically Destroying Our Liberties
Don't ever claim that nobody told you this could happen.

Two Sentenced, Three Absolved in Argentine “Dirty War” Trial, Angering Activists
A federal court in Buenos Aires on October 23 convicted two former army officials - Jorge Olivera Rovere and Jose Menendez - to life sentences, for crimes committed during …

Tortured Memories and the Culture of War
It is difficult to imagine how any democracy could not be corrupted when war becomes the foundation of politics.

Kipling Haunts Obama’s Afghan War
The White Man's Burden, a phrase immortalized by English poet Rudyard Kipling as an excuse for European-American imperialism, was front and center October 29, 2009, at a RAND-sponsored discussion …

Defense Secretary Gates Is Not a Diplomat
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates has played the “ugly American” in Tokyo, cast in a role he should not have been given.

White House “Ordered” Lawmakers to Amend FOIA in Order to Conceal Torture Photos
The Obama administration will likely drop its Supreme Court petition challenging the release of photographs showing US soldiers abusing prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan now that lawmakers are set …

A War of Absurdity
Every once in a while, a statistic just jumps out at you in a way that makes everything else you hear on a subject seem beside the point, if …

Senate Panel Extends Controversial Patriot Act Provisions
The Senate Judiciary Committee narrowly passed a bill Thursday to extend several controversial provisions of the USA Patriot Act, the counterterrorism law hastily drafted in the aftermath of 9/11.

A New Nuclear Debate in India
The main nuclear debate in the major South Asian country has not been the one between nuclear militarists and their opponents. It has been the one between two schools …

Afghanistan: Where Empires Go to Die
The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, along with the ongoing slaughter of Afghan civilians and raiding hospitals, are in violation of international law as well as the US Constitution.