War & Peace
Did the US Cause Fallujah’s Birth Defects?
As deformities spike in the Iraqi city, we ask if the US has been honest about weaponry used during the 2004 assaults.
Gore Vidal and the Unfinished American Revolution
John Nichols: Gore Vidal loved America in the way the best of the founders did.
Defense Companies Use Congress to Save Their Profits, No Matter What (Part One)
As much as the Pentagon works behind the scenes to kill any budget cuts, the Pentagon contractors use even more influence and money to keep anything from being cut.
Nuclear Strategy of Mutual Assured Destruction Ignores Human Fallibility, Accident Risk
A prominent proponent of MAD puts his faith in nuclear deterrence, justifying his position in historical terms.
Good Riddance to the Air Force’s Religious Intolerance Enabler in Chief
On soon-to-retire Gen. Norty Schwartz's watch, we saw the coverup of an unlawful epidemic in which thousands of USAF men and women have been subject to religious persecution.
Mission Failure Afghanistan: A Message Written in Blood That No One Wants to Hear
Imagine for a moment that almost once a week for the last six months somebody somewhere in this country had burst, well-armed, into a movie theater showing a superhero …
What’s Really Happening in Syria?
The principal Obama Administration target in this complex affair is Iran, not Syria. The Syrian government must fall because it is Iran's main Arab ally.
Soft Necks Will Not Be Slaughtered
Abdulhai remembers his father being killed by the Taliban. u201cAnyone who takes up a weapon in revenge, whether the Talib or any other, is acting like the Talibs who …
In Israel, Romney Talks Tough Against Iran
Romney is eager to show Israel he's a better friend than Obama.
Syria: What Russia and China Have Learned From the Last NATO War
In the last few days, the UN Security Council passed two resolutions on the civil war in Syria, on the basis of which the first part of a UN …