Racial Justice

Armed White Supremacists Clash With Counterprotesters at Texas Capitol
Amid a national spate of hate crimes, a neo-Nazi group gathered in Austin, protected by police.

How Studs Terkel Documented the Fight Against White Supremacy and Segregation
Studs Terkel was the first radio broadcaster who invited Stokely Carmichael on his show.

Anti-Abortion Legislators Feign Concern for Black Families
Republicans who should be reining in police are instead pushing abortion restrictions to “save” Black fetuses.

Trump’s Erasure of Slavery, Jim Crow
Donald Trump's remarkable comments about Black people never being worse off demonstrated a stunning ignorance.

After Hundreds of School Closures, Black Families Are Still Waiting for Justice
Hundreds of neighborhood school closures in cities across the country have had a disproportionate impact on Black and Brown students.

Milwaukee’s War on Black People
Sheriff David Clarke is declaring war on the black youth his city has failed.

We Will Create Our Freedom: The Importance of the Movement for Black Lives Platform
The Movement for Black Lives is making history as it works to define what systemic change should actually look like.

The Role of Collective Memory in Collective Action
You see, Dallas is plagued by racial injustice.

The Racial Divide Between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump
I'm struck by the stunning contrast between the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, particularly on the issue of race.

Student Protest, the Black Lives Matter Movement and the Rise of the Corporate University
There are ways in which a diversity agenda aligns with neoliberal politics.