Politics & Elections
Trump’s First Test on Taxes
Trump's voters didn't vote to make the richest richer, but the Republican Congress is about to.
A Special Loophole for Trump’s Millionaire Cabinet
Trump's millionaire cabinet nominees could avoid paying taxes on millions of dollars worth of stock.
Are Trump and Mexican President Provoking Conflict to Distract From Low Approval Ratings at Home?
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto canceled a meeting with President Trump.
Senate Setback for Move to Give FBI More Warrantless Spying Powers
Congress is backing off from a push to grant the Federal Bureau of Investigations more warrantless surveillance powers.
The Dark [K]night of Donald Trump: Weapons, Warriors and Fear as the New Order in the US
How did the US's ideals become so twisted?
NYC: Thousands Protest Trump Plan to Impose Ban on Refugees, Block Visas From Seven Muslim Nations
Thousands of protesters packed into Washington Square Park in New York for an emergency rally in support of Muslim and immigrant rights.
The Supreme Court Supplied a Blueprint to Overcome “Citizens United” — We Just Need to Use It
A 2011 Supreme Court decision lights the way for local or state governments to overcome Citizens United.
The Coming War on Net Neutrality
The media have largely ignored Trump's appointment of Ajit Pai to chair the Federal Communications Commission even though he opposes their regulations.
Marc Short: Koch Dark-Money Operative Is Trump’s Liaison to Congress
Short is not the only Koch person to join the Trump administration.
The Future by Committee: The Collective “Wisdom” of the US Intelligence Community
Since September 11, expansion has been the name of its game, as the leading intelligence agencies gained ever more power, prestige and the big bucks.