Politics & Elections
The Iran Sanctions: Donald Trump’s Carbon Tax
By imposing sanctions on Iran, Trump has inadvertantly created a carbon tax.
Trump Accused of Rigging FBI’s Kavanaugh Probe by Imposing “Outrageous” Limits
The move has been denounced as a flagrant attempt to further rig the process in Kavanaugh's favor.
Grassroots Effort to “Defeat Brett Kavanaugh Once and for All” Intensifies
Progressive opponents of the right-wing judge moved to take advantage of the “new opportunity for pressure.”
Electing Democrats Without Confronting Neoliberalism Will Not Be Enough
“Both parties take neoliberalism for granted, and that has severely limited what can be done at the ballot box.”
The Proper Response to Trump’s UN Speech Isn’t Laughter, It’s Terror
The US is effectively behaving like a mob boss within the UN, promoting brute force over diplomacy.
Blasey Ford Is “100 Percent Positive” Brett Kavanaugh Attempted to Rape Her
Excerpts from Thursday's Senate Committee hearing.
Blasey Ford, White Male Privilege and the Reckoning to Come
With Kavanaugh, the GOP is trying to save the patriarchy.
Aggressive Kavanaugh Portrays Himself as Victim
Abandoning all pretense of civility, he demonstrated a disturbing judicial temperament.
Over 50 Groups Call on Grassley to Resign as Judiciary Committee Chair
Grassley has come under fire repeatedly throughout Kavanaugh's confirmation process.
Ad Wars Escalate Ahead of 2018 Midterm Elections
Democrats vying for congressional seats have aired more ads than Republican candidates.