Politics & Elections

Donald Trump Is a Dangerous Human Version of 1980s Muzak
Trump embodies the particularly noxious brand of American capitalism that grew up in the '80s and rages on today.

New York Times Report on Trump’s Taxes May Prompt Fraud Investigation
Trump may have lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer and paid no federal income taxes for 10 years.

Mitch McConnell’s Plot to Seize Full Power for the GOP Is Working
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is the gravedigger of democracy.

Biden Spends $1.4 Million on Digital Ads in Less Than Two Weeks
Facebook, Google and Twitter’s political ad databases provide a glimpse into the growing role of digital advertising.

Trump Admits to Dodging Taxes for “Sport”
The New York Times revealed Trump's business failures. He cried “fake news” but couldn’t refute the story.

Interning for a Centrist Democrat Pushed Me to Democratic Socialism
I saw how establishment Democratic ideology is painfully corrupt and at odds with progressive voter aspirations.

Biden Says Trump Is an “Aberration” From the GOP. He’s Wrong.
Democrats need to stop cozying up to the Republican Party if anything is going to change.

Over 600 Federal Prosecutors Say Trump Should Be Charged With Obstruction
The letter is a searing rebuke to Attorney General William Barr.

After Florida Re-enfranchises 1.4 Million, Republicans Push New “Poll Tax”
Desmond Meade, president of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, discusses more.

Bernie Sanders Takes on Monsanto, Big Ag Monopolies in Rural Revitalization Plan
Sanders unveiled an ambitious plan to take on agriculture behemoths.