
The Nonprofits and Businesses Making Millions From Detaining Migrant Children
Here are the 61 vendors making money from migrant children operations.

Trump Blames Migrants for Appalling Conditions at Border Patrol Migrant Jails
Critics slammed the president's tweet as a particularly “monstrous” example of victim blaming.

Fund Head Start, Not Internment Camps
One policy gives children lifelong benefits. The other destroys lives.

Scott Warren Faces Retrial for Providing Humanitarian Aid to Migrants in Arizona
If convicted on the two felony migrant harboring charges, Warren faces up to 10 years in prison.

Racist Border Patrol Facebook Group Is Under Investigation
The group is filled with racist, homophobic, anti-immigrant and misogynistic content about migrants and asylum seekers.

Federal Prosecutors to Continue “Unconscionable Prosecution” of Scott Warren
The move by the U.S. Attorney's Office comes after Warren's first trial ended with a hung jury.

Border Patrol Is Using “Virtual Wall” Technology Israel Uses in Palestine
High-tech virtual barriers used to imprison Palestinians in Gaza have already been deployed at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Exposes Horrific Conditions at Migrant Jails
The revelations come one day after ProPublica exposed a dehumanizing Facebook group made up of border patrol agents.

The US War on Immigrants Is a Public Health Crisis
Conditions in the migrant prisons are setting the stage for a multigenerational health catastrophe.

Democrats Are Complicit in Trump’s Fearmongering About Immigrant Youth
Democrats' new immigration bill includes provisions targeting youth alleged to be “public safety threats.”