Human Rights

Intelligence Officials Make Direct Threats on Snowden’s Life
NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern point to the brashness of intelligence officials who went on the record to threaten Snowden's life, reflecting a culture …

Federal Oversight Board: NSA Program Ineffective and Illegal
NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the implications of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board's assessment, considering report commissioned by Congress.

Immigration Advocates Face Serious Challenges in Passing Reform in 2014
Despite nationwide mobilization, immigrant advocates acknowledge they have failed to reform a broken immigration system.

Dayvon Love: “King’s Teachings on US Imperialism Opened My Eyes to Radical Thought”
Young Baltimore activist Dayvon Love tells Paul Jay how MLK's teaching that American blacks must be anti-imperialist, changed his life.

Net Neutrality Ruling Will Disempower Communities of Color
Jessica Gonzalez: As US Court of Appeals rules against net neutrality, internet service providers will restrict access for communities of color.

Groups Protest 12th Anniversary of Guantánamo
Human rights and civil liberties groups gathered opposite the White House at noon to demand President Obama honor his many promises to close the prison.

What ‘Right’ to Vote in Iowa?
Iowa is moving to revise its voter registration application to help clear up widespread confusion over felons' voting rights.

Caught in the Cold: Homelessness and the Polar Vortex
As a deadly polar vortex moved across the United States this week, cities scrambled to shelter the homeless, and hacker collective Anonymous is working to provide additional aid.

Mine Featured in “Coal” Reality TV Show Cited for Labor Law Violations
The National Labor Relations Board has issued a complaint against Cobalt Coal and two other entities, charging that the companies subverted unions in pursuit of profit.

Corporatocracy and Our Toxic Beliefs
In evaluating the allowing, we might subsequently discover and recover the power, sovereignty, freedom and rights handed over to the Corporatocracy.