Human Rights
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being: Explaining Turbans, Beards and Sikhs to Americans
“Someone wearing a turban was meant someone you could see on the street and ask for help if you need it.”
It’s Time for the Left to Ask “What Are We For?”
The political center is bombed out, so everyone has to take a hard left to transform democracy, says Maria Poblet.
ICE Detains Mexican Man Who Sought Sanctuary in Denver Church for Nine Months
Supporters of Hernandez Garcia say he has been targeted in part because of his immigration activism.
Census 2020: Count — Don’t Closet — LGBTQ Americans
I demand to be counted, for the sake of federal accountability and future opportunity.
Chomsky on Syria: We Must Help Fleeing Refugees and Pursue Diplomatic Settlement
Amy Goodman speaks to Noam Chomsky and asks him what he thinks the US should do about Syria.
Gorsuch Is Already Channeling Scalia on Life-or-Death Decisions
Gorsuch very likely will defer to executive power that tramples on civil liberties and readily puts people to death.
“We Are Going to Shut It Down on May 1”: Caravan Against Fear Mobilizes the Masses
Traveling from California to Arizona and backed by 230 organizations, a Caravan Against Fear is building toward May 1.
Getting the Facts Right: A Repository of Black Women’s Activism
Black women's contributions to student protests are often erased or forgotten in the main media narratives.
“Spies of Mississippi” Reveals Extent of White Supremacy in the South During Civil Rights Era
“Spies of Mississippi” is a journey into the world of informants, infiltrators, and agent provocateurs in the heart of Dixie.
Trump Is the Endpoint: Henry A. Giroux on Cruelty and Isolation in US Politics
Henry Giroux examines the slow, steady rise of cruelty in American culture.